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Early Music Foundation Projects

 New York Early Music Celebration


A service project of the Early Music Foundation, the New York Early Music Celebration is a ten-day fall feast of music from the 11th through 18th centuries, presented by New York-area early music performers. Concerts, recitals, lectures, master classes, and special events will take place day and night, indoors and out, in beautiful, historic, and unexpected venues all over New York City. Past celebrations have taken place in 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017 and recently in the fall of 2019.

polyphony.com_image is a Web based concert listing of early music and historically informed performances held within the greater New York City metropolitan area. is dedicated to the advancement and promotion of historical performance by providing services and information that empowers performers and enhances the audience experience.



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